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DAC 2024

Data Analysis Competition (DAC) is a competition of data analysis for university and college students in the Southeast Asia countries. This competition is one of the sub-events in Pekan Raya Statistika 2024. The purpose of this competition is to enhance student’s ability to analyze the actual data and create predictive analytics, mainly in the renewable energy field. The ability in question is good in analyzing data, critical thinking, and solving the problems in everyday life, and also increase knowledge about the application of statistics. This competition is also a first step in honing students’ skills in the renewable energy field, especially in Indonesia.

This competition is open to university and college students from Statistics or nonstatistical majors, both domestically and abroad, especially in the Southeast Asia countries. The participants will be going through three rounds : the Elimination Round, the Semi-final Round, and the Final Round. The Semi-final Round consists of 15 qualified teams who passed the previous round (the elimination round). Afterward, the top 5 teams will compete in the Final Round. The output is to publish the top results of analysis from the participants through the website and social media of PRS 2024. Therefore, we proudly present the theme for DAC 2024 as “Predictive Analytics on Sustainable Energy”.






  • Participants are on a team consisting of exactly two people from the same university in Southeast Asia.
  • Participants are undergraduate students (diploma or bachelor) from any university in Southeast Asia until the end of October 2024.
  • The participants will compete in the event if they have already paid for the account activation fee.
  • Participants who are registered as teams consist of two people from the same university, will compete in the preliminary round.
  • The participants who qualify for the semifinal round cannot be replaced, and must be the same as the one who is registered.
  • The participants who qualify for the semifinal round must pay the registration fee.


  • Preliminary Round :
    • E-certificate.
  • Semifinal Round :
    • E-Certificate
    • Goodie Bag
    • Accommodation in Surabaya
    • Gala Dinner
    • Surabaya City Tour
    • Statistic Seminar

Registration Fee

Early Bird:

IDR 60.000/team*

*for the first 10 registrant teams

Normal Price :

IDR 80.000/team


Gladys Akiko Gonta

Project Officer of Data Analysis Competition 2024


Whatsapp: +62 895 6227 46334


LINE: glad415

Nabila Sinta Kusumadewi

Vice Project Officer of Data Analysis Competition 2024


Whatsapp: +62 811 3420 305


LINE: nabilasinta3


H Building 3rd floor ITS Campus Jl. Arief Rachman Hakim Sukolilo Surabaya 60111

Develop with ♥ at 2024